Almond – Ingrid
This is the most reliable cropper of the selected varieties, with reasonable leaf curl resistance (in most areas) and good fruit quality. Plant in a sheltered position.

Chestnut – Maraval (12l)
A mid-season hybrid variety, upright with moderate vigour, producing shiny, dark mahogany-red nuts.

Filbert – Cosford (12l)
Slightly larger than the Cobnut with a long husk (full beard). Good pollinator for other varieties. Pollinated by Gunslebert Hazel.

Hazel – Gunslebert (12l)
Medium-large nut with good texture and a strong nutty flavour. Moderate vigour, very heavy and reliable cropper. Clusters of six or more nuts. Exceptional catkin display in winter. Pollinated by Butler. Good pollinator for Filbert Cosford. (Germany)

Hazel – Gustav Zeller (12l)
One of several more recent commercial selections producing two or three times the crop of the old Kentish Cob and with much larger fruit. Pollinated by Butler and Gunslebert.

Hazel – Kent Cob (12l)
The traditional cob is planted extensively in Kent to this day and is unique for its history and cultural heritage within Kent. There is an enthusiastic following amongst its growers who are members of the Kentish Cobnut Association.www.kentishcobnutsassociation.co.uk. It is a species … Read More

Walnut – Broadview (12l)
Currently the best form for the UK. Precocious from an early age and slightly resistant to frost at flowering time. It is also a compact tree compared with other varieties. (British Columbia, Canada)

Walnut – Buccaneer (12l)
A healthy robust form. The nut is round and carried in abundance, particularly suited for pickled walnuts. (Holland)

Walnut – Lara (12l)
A potentially good cropper and compact grower. The nut is large, thin shelled and excellent quality. Franquette would be the best pollinator.