This exceptional tree produces a lovely white stem within three years.
Ideal for planting as a specimen, multi-stemmed or in clumps.
Strong yellow autumn tints.
This exceptional tree produces a lovely white stem within three years.
Ideal for planting as a specimen, multi-stemmed or in clumps.
Strong yellow autumn tints.
One of the darkest barked birch with true plain chocolate bark in the early years changing to all shades of brown as it ages. (Wakehurst Place, Sussex)
An upright, strong growing, compact form, with freely borne, bright yellow flowers that open later than other varieties. (USA)
A vigorous upright tree when young with bright green young leaves. Attractive white ‘apple blossom’ flowers in spring and large bright orange and red pear-shaped fruits in the autumn. One of the most popular for crab apple jelly despite its … Read More
A classic crab apple with decorative red fruit. White apple blossom scented flowers and large clusters of deep red fruits that remain on the branches well into January. A lovely winter tree and a true bird feeder from nature. The … Read More
A superb small tree upright in habit with vibrant deep pink single flowers, dark purple to green narrow leaves and large attractive small spheroid purple fruit in the autumn. An excellent recently introduced variety.
An exciting new introduction with spectacular large orange-pink fruit that persist much longer than most large fruited crab apples. Strong white blossom covers this vigorous but compact tree in spring. Makes excellent pink jelly. (New Zealand)
The fragrant, arching clusters of Butterfly Bush are irresistible to hummingbirds and butterflies. Really a shrub, plants are best treated like perennials and pruned back hard each spring, to maintain a compact, bushy habit. This selection has long wands of … Read More
This small, broadly columnar tree has brown flaking old bark which shows cinnamon coloured new bark beneath. The three lobed yellowish-green leaves turn red and scarlet in autumn. Pale greenish-yellow flowers in late spring. Grows best in sun and light shade and on … Read More