An interesting large red round fruiting form with attractive pronounced calyces, very attractive – just like rosehips! Bright red skin with red flesh. Makes amber crab apple jelly. White fowers in the spring. UK
An interesting large red round fruiting form with attractive pronounced calyces, very attractive – just like rosehips! Bright red skin with red flesh. Makes amber crab apple jelly. White fowers in the spring. UK
This recent hybrid Betula ‘Crimson Frost’ x Betula populifolia ‘Whitespire’ introduction has persistent rich burgundy leaves and in time a good white stem with cinnamon hues. The yellow-orange-red autumn colours are an added feature. (Wisconsin, USA)
A naturally dwarf tree with an upright habit, for even the smallest garden. Dark purplegreen leaves and stunning pink and white flowers in April. Persistent large, round, maroon fruit perfect for the best crab apple jelly. Bred by Hugh Ermen … Read More
The fragrant, arching clusters of Butterfly Bush are irresistible to hummingbirds and butterflies. Really a shrub, plants are best treated like perennials and pruned back hard each spring, to maintain a compact, bushy habit. This selection has long wands of … Read More
Gentle weeping branches and the typical pink, flaking bark of the river birch make this an excellent introduction. A worthy substitute for Betula pendula ‘Youngii’ with bonus features of bark and good yellow autumn colours. (North Carolina State University, USA)
One of the most popular Witch Hazels. The large sulphur-yellow flowers are borne in densely crowded clusters in January and February and have a strong sweet fragrance. Leaves are lustrous and have cheerful yellow tints in autumn.
This small, broadly columnar tree has brown flaking old bark which shows cinnamon coloured new bark beneath. The three lobed yellowish-green leaves turn red and scarlet in autumn. Pale greenish-yellow flowers in late spring. Grows best in sun and light shade and on … Read More
Syn : Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Copper Beauty’ A more vigorous and spreading habit than most with red autumn foliage. Large clusters of rich, coppery orange flowers in February. (Belgium)
An exciting new introduction with spectacular large orange-pink fruit that persist much longer than most large fruited crab apples. Strong white blossom covers this vigorous but compact tree in spring. Makes excellent pink jelly. (New Zealand)