Pear – Concorde ®
Conference x Doyenné du Comice. Medium to large fruit. Pale green turning yellow, some with large patches of gold or brown russet. Pale yellow flesh is sweet and juicy with a pleasant mild flavour. Very heavy cropping and compact grower. Recognised as one of … Read More

Pear – Doyenne du Comice
A superb quality pear. Medium-large, pale green changing to yellow. Some fruits have a red flush. Pale yellow flesh has rich juicy flavour. Recognised for superb eating quality but needs good pollination – Conference or Williams’ Bon Chrétien would be ideal. (France 19th Century)

Pear – Humbug ®
This highly unusual green, yellow and pink striped pear offers something very special for the garden. In its native country it is known as the ‘Easter Pear’ as it is traditionally stored through winter and paraded as a table decoration before … Read More

Pear – Williams’ Bon Chretien
A good early eating variety, medium-large, pale green turning to golden yellow. Very juicy and sweet. Regular good cropper. (Aldermaston, Berkshire 18th Century)