Buddleia davidii ‘Black Knight’
The fragrant, arching clusters of Butterfly Bush are irresistible to hummingbirds and butterflies. Really a shrub, plants are best treated like perennials and pruned back hard each spring, to maintain a compact, bushy habit. This selection has long wands of … Read More

Buddleja davidii ‘White Profusion’
Buddleja ‘White Profusion’ is the classic white-flowered variety of the Butterfly bush with large panicles of scented pure white flowers with orange centres on arching branches from July into autumn. The flowers, like those of other Buddleias, are highly attractive … Read More
Crataegus lae Crimson Cloud
Dense semi-weeping tree with glossy, dark green foliage. Profuse, small, single, dark red flowers with creamy centres appear in May. Small bright red fruit into late autumn. A very unusual ornamental thorn flowering from anearly age. (USA)
Crataegus lae Pauls Scarlet
Small round-headed tree, with lobed, dark green foliage and densely double pinky-scarlet flowers. Small red haws in autumn. (Hertfordshire)
Crataegus lae Rosea Flore Pleno
A profusion of small, double pink flowers borne in clusters during May. A highly ornamental and robust thorn making an ideal garden specimen suitable for all situations.
Crataegus mon Biflora Crataegus
An interesting form of the common thorn that can flower twice (hence ‘Biflora’), once in winter and again in spring. It is also semi-evergreen. Legend has it that this tree is linked to Saint Joseph of Arimathea, who when reaching … Read More
Fagus syl Purpurea
Selected seedlings with variable shades of purple leaves. An economical way of planting purple beech hedging and to ultimately raise unique specimen parkland trees.

Fagus sylvatica
A large, noble tree or excellent for hedging, this versatile tree has smooth silver-grey bark. Dark green leaves turn rich golden-copper in autumn. Thrives in well drained acid or alkaline soil and will tolerate semi-shade. (Europe)

Hamamelis – Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’
An upright, strong growing, compact form, with freely borne, bright yellow flowers that open later than other varieties. (USA)

Hamamelis – Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’
An excellent dark red flowered form with good autumn tints to the leaves. Less fragrant than other varieties. (Belgium)

Hamamelis – Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’
Syn : Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Copper Beauty’ A more vigorous and spreading habit than most with red autumn foliage. Large clusters of rich, coppery orange flowers in February. (Belgium)

Hamamelis – Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Pallida’
One of the most popular Witch Hazels. The large sulphur-yellow flowers are borne in densely crowded clusters in January and February and have a strong sweet fragrance. Leaves are lustrous and have cheerful yellow tints in autumn.