An excellent dark red flowered form with good autumn tints to the leaves. Less fragrant than other varieties. (Belgium)
An excellent dark red flowered form with good autumn tints to the leaves. Less fragrant than other varieties. (Belgium)
A good strong growing form with multicoloured copper and pink bark, one of the best forms of the albosinensis species.
Heavily laden branches glowing with butter coloured fruit each autumn make this a stunning tree. The apple blossom flowers in spring add to its charm and the fruit are ideal for making crab apple jelly. (N. America)
This exceptional tree produces a lovely white stem within three years. Ideal for planting as a specimen, multi-stemmed or in clumps. Strong yellow autumn tints.
This small, broadly columnar tree has brown flaking old bark which shows cinnamon coloured new bark beneath. The three lobed yellowish-green leaves turn red and scarlet in autumn. Pale greenish-yellow flowers in late spring. Grows best in sun and light shade and on … Read More
Striking white bark and large drooping dark green leaves. One of the loveliest birches with dazzling white stems. The origins of this selection are from some of the earliest grafted trees of B. jacquemontii by Hillier Nursery, Hampshire.
An upright, strong growing, compact form, with freely borne, bright yellow flowers that open later than other varieties. (USA)
A conical tree with dark green lobed leaves and large soft pink to white flowers. Small red and yellow fruits, rather like mini apples, holding well into winter. An excellent pollinator for apples.
Beautiful orange-red autumn colours. A profusion of small white flowers in spring. Unsatisfactory on shallow chalk. Very hardy.