An excellent dark red flowered form with good autumn tints to the leaves. Less fragrant than other varieties. (Belgium)
An excellent dark red flowered form with good autumn tints to the leaves. Less fragrant than other varieties. (Belgium)
Gentle weeping branches and the typical pink, flaking bark of the river birch make this an excellent introduction. A worthy substitute for Betula pendula ‘Youngii’ with bonus features of bark and good yellow autumn colours. (North Carolina State University, USA)
A charming semi weeping (umbrella-shaped) tree with flower trusses of delicate pink buds opening to white followed by stunning bright red fruits. Apple blossom scented flowers add to its many fine features. (Bristol, UK)
This small, broadly columnar tree has brown flaking old bark which shows cinnamon coloured new bark beneath. The three lobed yellowish-green leaves turn red and scarlet in autumn. Pale greenish-yellow flowers in late spring. Grows best in sun and light shade and on … Read More
Buddleja ‘White Profusion’ is the classic white-flowered variety of the Butterfly bush with large panicles of scented pure white flowers with orange centres on arching branches from July into autumn. The flowers, like those of other Buddleias, are highly attractive … Read More
Beautiful orange-red autumn colours. A profusion of small white flowers in spring. Unsatisfactory on shallow chalk. Very hardy.
The ‘Lady of the Woods’. A graceful slender tree with variable, white peeling bark developing with age and slightly pendulous branches. Diamond-shaped green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Makes an excellent windbreak and specimen tree. Native. (Europe)
A superb small tree upright in habit with vibrant deep pink single flowers, dark purple to green narrow leaves and large attractive small spheroid purple fruit in the autumn. An excellent recently introduced variety.
An interesting large red round fruiting form with attractive pronounced calyces, very attractive – just like rosehips! Bright red skin with red flesh. Makes amber crab apple jelly. White fowers in the spring. UK